A puzzle hunt is a suite of interrelated puzzles. They usually have a framing device, such as an underlying narrative or overarching theme. Answers to individual puzzles can often be combined in a metapuzzle, which in turns solves to a "final answer" of some kind.
Each puzzle is independent of the others (except for the final metapuzzle) so you can join at any time. But you are only eligible for a prize when you have completed a puzzle before its deadline.
Teams may use any available solving resources they wish. Reference works, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, internet archives, et al., are all fair game, and in some cases may even be necessary solving aids. However, hacking the website or using other techniques to subvert the puzzles is strictly disallowed.
Prizes will be awarded to teams drawn randomly from those who complete each puzzle before the deadline. In addition, a grand prize will be award to the team that completes all ten puzzles plus the metapuzzle by the final deadline. If more than one team qualifies for the grand prize, the winning team will be drawn at random from among those qualifiers.